iPhone 4G release in 2009?

6 12 2008

We have just heard from our source in China, that there are iPhone prototypes on the way! Be warned that as with all China-based sources, we cannot accurately proof this to be absolutely true. However, from previous experience, it can be said that Apple is not keeping secrets as well as they used t0. So as usual, we are the first to bring you the latest scoops.

First of all, let us take a look at some of the physical features (or lack thereof) that have kept Apple fans wanting for more:

– Poor Battery when using 3G
– Lack of front-facing camera for Video Conferencing
– Lack of support for volume controls with new in-ear headphones

Well, now that we have seen some of the problems, take a look at what our source has been able to gather.

Battery Problems

Of the many software improvements that Apple has released, a few of them have actually addressed this issue in a variety of ways. These include improving the overall energy efficiency of the Core OS, as well as increasing the maximum allowed voltage into the device to increase charging time. However, the biggest problem faced by Mobile phone manufactures lies with the fact that most 3G chipsets and radios available in the market are not power efficient by themselves. Those that are actually energy efficient tend to be more expensive, and thus, impractical for companies to use in their products.

Things are about to change ladies and gentlemen. Our source tells that according to an anonymous tipster, an unnamed Chinese battery pack supplier has made claims of a cheap yet energy efficient battery that ” will be able to power an iPhone 3G for up to 8 hours of talk-time on 3G and 15-20 hours on 2G.” The tipster also boasts and incredible claim of 450 hours of stand-by. If any of these claims are true, I’m sure Apple will garner a lot more faithful fans. Our source claims that the prototype model utilizes this pack.

iChat and Video Conferencing

When word of the iPhone 3G hit the rumor mill, the most anticipated of all features was the front-facing camera. There is a common misconception among many people around the world that if a phone is 3G enabled, it comes with video-chatting capabilities. In fact, 3G merely refers to the type of high-speed connection that the phone has access to. The iPhone in this case, did not have the front-facing camera.

However, we have been heard differently. It seems that the prototype model does in fact have a front facing camera. In fact, the camera, dubbed iSight, appears on the prototype just like it does on the current iMacs and UniBody MacBooks. The camera is located on the right, just next to the speaker. Another cool thing about  the camera module manufactured by Altus Technology is that its actually a 3 megapixel camera. The mystery here is that 3G networks does not support videos of such high resolution. The answer that our source provides says that the video chat software uses a lower resolution capture during a conference. This leads me to only one conclusion – the forward-facing camera may be triggered by a setting in the “Camera” application to shoot self-portraits. We currently have no news of the Video Chat application.

The lens of the front-facing camera is tastefully hidden beneath the clear glass that covers the face of the iPhone and houses the multi-touch display. There is however, no lamp indicator to show that iSight is running. I am assuming that wouldn’t be necessary seeing as to how the iPhone OS does not support the camera being launched in the background. The only problem I for-see with this setup would be the need for the user to keep the glass above the iSight clear and free of grime as this would affect the clarity of the chat.


This is all that our source could get for us. Notice the sliver of the forward facing camera showing on the top-right corner.

This is all that our source could get for us. Notice the sliver of the forward facing camera showing on the top-right corner. Also notice other strange read-outs from the About section on the screen. Click for larger picture.



Other Hardware Upgrades

Other juicy details that our source revealed to us include upgrade to many hardware feature sets in the iPhone. Samsung apparently manufactured a low-power consumption Flash Nand chip. The capacity used in the prototype is a whopping 128 GB. However, it is highly unlikely that the final version will include such a capacity as it is highly impractical, given the current cost of high-capacity flash chips. It would be safe to assume a 64 GB version, however.

Our source also gives us the news that the prototype iPhone does indeed support the volume controls on the new generation Apple In-Ear Headphones. On the other hand, I do not think that new iPhone will ship with the in-ear headphones, but it could be an optional upgrade.

It also seems that Sharp has been kept quite busy by Apple. The prototype apparently has a native display resolution of 840 by 560 pixels. That’s pretty huge for a mobile device. The new multi-touch panel, built under specifications from Cupertino, boasts high energy efficiency levels as well as a brighter as crisp display. We cannot tell for sure about this one, but HD Videos for the iPhone will be a killer. Our source tells us that the software used in the prototype is one that has not been seeded even to developers. It supports the resolution independence technology that is currently being developed for Snow Leopard. This means that games and apps developed for the other iPhones would easily be run on the prototype. Our source did not elaborate on the rumor of a dual back-light system for future iPhones

With regards to cameras, not only do we have the smashing forward facing camera, we also have news from our source of a 5.0 Megapixel camera mounted on the back of the phone. There is still however, no news of flash for the iPhone. But the word from our source is that the picture quality has indeed been improved. Darker conditions are apparently no longer an obstacle as well.

Last but not least, running such wonderfully upgraded systems will definitely require a faster and more powerful processor. Well, not exactly new. The Infineon Technologies chip used in all of the iPhone and iPod Touch devices is used in the prototype as well. However, with a major adjustment to the clock-speed. This may be due to the different firmware being used in the prototype device. The new clock-speed of the iPhone prototype stands at 600 MHz. It is common knowledge that the iPhone’s ARM processor supports speeds of up to 640 MHz. Once again, this clock-speed may not see the light of day when high device temperature and battery life become and issue with performance and customers.

Well, folks. That’s the news that we have so far. We have no information on the dimensions of the new phone, but we do have a picture to leave you with. How many of these features in the Prototype will make it on the final product? No one knows. We are not even sure if the new phone will be released in 2009. There are still many countries that are yet to receive the iPhone.



33 responses

9 12 2008
iPhone 4G: Gerüchte um Video, HD, 128GB Speicher und hohe Akkulaufzeiten » MACNOTES.DE

[…] anders sein, “vielleicht 2009″. Man solle mit chinesischen Quellen vorsichtig sein, schreibt The Infinite Loop, die lagen indessen oft richtig in der letzten Zeit – der “Brick” […]

9 12 2008
Kommt das neue iPhone 4G 2009? Mit zwei Kameras mit 3 und 5 Megapixel, 450 Stunden Standybzeit wird es wohl DAS Smartphone werden. » ApfelFon.de

[…] die Gerüchteküche rund um das iPhone. Das erste Bild eines angeblichen Prototypens ist bei “The Infinite Loop” aufgetaucht. Auch wenn das 3G schon eine Menge neuer Features hatte, gibt es viele, die […]

10 12 2008
» Weird news from the iPhone 4G -> TamsIJungle - The iPod/iPhone developer’s blog

[…] rather small blog called The Infinite Loop (not part of any network) claims the following changes on the iPhone […]

11 12 2008
iPhone 3G unter 100 Euro - iPhone G4 erste Gerüchte | Hodenkaiser

[…] ersten Daten zum iPhone G4 Prototypen sin auch schon aufgetaucht! Apple sängt ja die Preise sonst eigentlich nur wenn ein […]

12 12 2008
Spekulationen zur dritten iPhone-Version | iPhone-Fan.de

[…] The Infinite Loop jongliert mit Gerüchten aus China, nach denen die dritte Version oder Generation des iPhones folgende Verbesserungen haben könnte: […]

13 12 2008
iphone-mania: BigIphone ohne Simlock Gewinnspiel - annieone’s weblog

[…] blöglein nicht schaffe – dann geh ich eben zu walmart oder ich nehm halt in apfelgottes namen das iPhone 4G, das uns just für 2009 aus china zugwispert wurde – das soll ja dank front-kamera endlich auch zum […]

13 12 2008
[ T ] 空 之 城 - 新一代iphone将在09年上市?

[…] 传闻来自The Infinite Loop,他们还从线人(来自俺们祖国)那搞到了一张谍照,真假未知。 […]

13 12 2008
{ iNomads } 数 字 华 山 » 新一代iphone将在09年上市?

[…] 传闻来自The Infinite Loop,他们还从线人(来自俺们祖国)那搞到了一张谍照,真假未知。 […]

13 12 2008
新一代iphone将在09年上市? | isoWorld 爱 秀 网 络 The isoWorld of Asia

[…] 传闻来自The Infinite Loop,他们还从线人(来自俺们祖国)那搞到了一张谍照,真假未知。 […]

13 12 2008

I work in one supply factory in china, the 4G iphone project called “N88”, the former 3G ipone is “N82”,now the “N88” is on the DVT period.and may release on march,2009

but I don’t know how much hardware upgrade for now.

13 12 2008

But our company didn’t receive any porject for new ipod touch, for apple usually update iphone and ipod touch at the same time, so I don’t think there will be much upgrade on new iphone.

14 12 2008
iPhone 4G release in 2009? at ripanti.com

[…] iPhone 4G release in 2009? « The Infinite Loop. Share and Enjoy: […]

14 12 2008
iPhone 4G release in 2009? | [NeOtRiX]

[…] Link • The Infinite Loop […]

15 12 2008

Hey, die technischen Daten lesen sich wie das HTC Touch HD ! nur das es dieses Handy schon seit Monaten gibt ! Apple is behind, again…..

15 12 2008
16 12 2008
iPhone G4 | natzer.ath.cx

[…] von einer chin. Quelle Neuigkeiten zu Appel’s G4 erhalten haben, darunter auch ein Bild. (zum Beitrag) Am eigentlichen Aussehen hat sich jedoch nicht viel verändert, sofern es der Wahrheit enspricht, […]

16 12 2008
Regula Cherubina

Is this a joke? I see no difference to a standard phone…

16 12 2008

Hi Regina,

may I remind you that this is just a prototype, and will contain few differences from the iPhone 3G.

16 12 2008
Gercht: Nachfolger des iPhone 3G kommt 2009 - Hardware | ZDNet.de News

[…] The Infinite Loop berichtet, soll der Nachfolger des iPhone 3G im Jahr 2009 auf den Markt kommen. Der Tech-Blog […]

16 12 2008

4G?! lol. i don’t think i will ever catch up.

Oh yea, please help my friends and I resolve our disagreements once and for all at:


I’d really appreciate it.

16 12 2008
Meizu M8 vs iPhone 4G - Meizu Me

[…] this was the false link. here the right one ( iPhone 4G release in 2009? The Infinite Loop ). It’s only a rumor even more vague than the M8w but definitly about an improved full […]

16 12 2008
iPhone 4G release in 2009? | xobo.cc - Silvio Guder

[…] The Infinite Loop berichtet, soll der Nachfolger des iPhone 3G im Jahr 2009 auf den Markt kommen. Zu den Details vom […]

16 12 2008
Neues iPhone im Internet aufgetaucht! : madvertise - Der Mobile Advertising Blog

[…] um ein neues iPhone machen im Web die Runde. Auf The Infinte Loop haben die Gerüchte ihren Ursprung. Sie wollen von einer Quelle aus China erfahren haben, dass neue […]

16 12 2008
iPhone 4G: Gerüchte sagen bessere Kamera und längeren Akku voraus : BINC

[…] Gerüchte im Internet, was es dieses Mal Neues von Apple geben könnte. Nicht ganz abwegig ist, was The Infinite Loop jetzt aus wohlinformierten chinesischen Quellen erfahren haben will: Das iPhone 4G kommt. Und es […]

16 12 2008
iPhone 4G: Was bringt die Macworld Expo? » news.idealo.de

[…] zu streiten, was wohl diesmal Neues kommt. Wie das deutsche Gadget-Blog binc.de berichtet, hat The Infinite Loop sich bei nicht näher genannten “Quellen” in China umgehört. Demnach […]

22 12 2008
Top Posts « WordPress.com

[…] iPhone 4G release in 2009? We have just heard from our source in China, that there are iPhone prototypes on the way! Be warned that as with all […] […]

2 01 2009

I like iphone-sony

21 01 2009

They have some pictures about


30 01 2009
Iphone 4g comes 2009 out

The Iphone 3g is not better than the N97
But if the Iphone 4g really comes 2009 out I will buy it 10000%

12 04 2009

Geilt Euch besser an Pflaumen auf,als an Apples.Mir kommt`s langsam vor als hätte ich es nur noch mit verkröppelten hirnamputiert-gesteuerten Hohlkörpern zu tun.Ich bin wahrhaftig Zukunft orientiert,doch ziehe ich Pflaumen vor.Apfel sind mir auf die Dauer zu langweilig !!

16 04 2009

I think current exterior design is too soft not bold enough. and Cheezy interms of materials. I like the Stainless steel exterior feature more angular and flat design with Larger display with yes the removable battery.

21 04 2009
Steve Jobs (apple owner)

I read your article and I was appalled about how you explained this to the web.

Anyway, If you readers are reading this comment, I can leave you with a secret.
The iPhone 4G is not going to be called that, it is going to be called the iPhone Ultra Cay and for another:
The iPhone Ultra Cay is only coming out in America only. The Ultra Cay is going to be the rarest iPhone of all, only making 1,000 Phones.
The iPhone Ultra Cay is going to launch in February 2010.

Don’t worry if you’re not in the USA and you want one of these, in July 2011 there will be an iPhone HDTP (HD Television Phone) and that will be available to the whole World and will keep producing until November 2016.

11 05 2009

should i wait till 4g, or get 3g now?

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